Thursday, December 15, 2016


My favorite episode from the Apprentice season 2 was when they had to figure out some type of dog business on the streets of  New York City. The task they were given was to think of something that would help dogs like grooming,walks, baths or clipping dogs nails that would also make them money. This task was about location, timing and also pricing. The leader of Mosaic was Wes and the team leader for Apex was Jennifer. The winning team was Apex which made a total profit of $307.41. Apex's reward for winning this task was they got to visit with mayor Bloomberg. On the other hand Mosaic lost with a total profit of $122.12. Wes brought Stacy and Andy with him in the boardroom and unfortunately Stacy got fired.  Stacy got fired because she always blames the project manager for everything and never owns up to anything. A business lesson I learned from this episode is "great things in business are never done by one person.They are done by a team of people." -Steve Jobs. What I learned from this episode is that the team leader has to listen to the other members of the team and not just do what they want all the time.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Coke Current Event

The current event that I found is about how Coke is starting to reduce the sugar content in some of their drinks. They want to make a healthier drink that will reach a different target market. People are starting to be more health conscious and this is how they will keep current customers and gain more. Coke made a promise that by 2025 they will reduce the calories in their drinks by 20% nationwide. COke is trying to promote their lower calorie drinks by making them 99 cents and they are also doing the buy one get one free at some places. Coke has also asked retailers to make bigger displays for lower-calorie drinks because they want to promote these products more.

 Coke Current Event

Coke 1960 Commercial

Coke 1960


Coke 2016 Commercial

Coke 2016

Monday, November 28, 2016

Chapter 29 study guide

Problem definition- occurs when a business clearly identifies a problem or research issue and the information that is necessary to solve it.

Primary data- Data obtained for the first time and used specifically for the particular problem of study.

Secondary data- already been collected for some other purpose other than the current study.

Survey method- a research technique in which information is gathered from people through the use of surveys.

Sample- a part of the target population that is assumed to represent the entire population.

Observation method- a research technique in which the actions of people are watched and recorded either by cameras or observers.

Point-of-sale research-  a powerful type of research that combines natural observation with personal interviews to get people to explain buying behavior.

Experimental method- a research technique in which a researcher observes the results of changing one or more marketing variables while keeping certain other variables constant under controlled conditions.

Data analysis- the process of compiling, analyzing, and interpreting the results of primary and secondary collection.

Validity- exists when the questions asked measure what was intended to be measured.

Reliability- exists when a research technique produces nearly identical results in repeated trials.

Open-ended questions- ask the respondents to construct their own answer.

Forced choice questions- ask the respondent to choose answers from possibilities given.

Research steps:
Step 1- Defining the problem
Step 2- Obtaining data
Step 3- Analyzing the data
Step 4- Recommending solutions to a problem
Step 5- Applying the results

Other main points:
How secondary data is obtained- internal and external sources. Internet, U.S. government sources, consumer and business information companies, business and trade publications.
The Advantages- can be obtained easily because their are so many sources.

How primary data is obtained- can be obtained through company research projects or commercial research organizations. Survey method, observation method, and experimental method.

Basic guidelines for writing questions- write each question clearly and briefly. Don't ask leading questions that would suggest a correct answer. Avoid bias.

Formatting- Use dark ink on light paper. Shade sections. Put section headings and number the questions. Put directions.

Administering the questionnaire- All mailed questionnaires should be sent first-class with a hand signed cover letter. The cover should explain the survey.

Minor points:
Multiple choice questions- gives the respondent multiple choices to choose from. always put and "other" category.

Rating scale questions- asking the respondent to rate a product. these can be very statistical or can also range from excellent to poor.

Level of agreement questions- writing statements based on attitudes or opinions. Strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Starbucks Holiday Season Sweepstakes

This holiday season Starbucks is having a food giveaway sweepstakes. This sweepstakes is called "Starbucks for life" and is available to those who sign up for their rewards program. Five rewards members will win this season and the prize is one free beverage and food item everyday for the next 30 years. The way a member can win the sweepstakes is the more drinks the buy at Starbucks the more points they will get and every time they buy something they are given a code to play a game online and at the end of the game they are notified if they won or not.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Survey Conclusion

What I can conclude after seeing the results of my survey is that most students last school event they went to was the football game or some other sporting event. The results also showed that 30% of the people who took the survey have been to 4 or more school drama productions.40%  of the people who took my survey said the most effective way to get peoples attention about school events is announcements. No one who voted said a twitter page is the best way to get information out about an event. What could make my survey more effective towards my goal is maybe ask a question about if people are involved with the drama club and another question about why people go to school plays, are they actually interested or are they going for extra credit in a class? The number of responses I got was 15. 

Friday, October 21, 2016

Helping RMHS

The goal my group came up with was to help support the drama club. We would do this by during flex block show a scene from the current show. By doing this students would be intrigued to see more and want to pay to go see the show. We also would have people from the drama club walk around lunch and try to see tickets to get people interested. Lastly we would put up flyers to try to market the shows and if kids bought tickets at lunch they would get them at a discounted rate. Or purpose of getting more people to go to the drama productions is that they are just as important as the big sports games and the people in the shows work very hard so as a school we should support them more.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Patriots Organizations

Fuel up to play 60: 
The Patriots are a part of the "Fuel up to Play 60" Charity. This organization allows the kids of this generation to be active and healthy. The Patriots team wants to promote youth wellness and want to encourage kids to be active for 60 minutes everyday. Players, cheerleaders, and the patriot mascot make appearances in the community to promote this and tackle youth obesity. The patriots motivation for this organization is that they want all kids to have the opportunity to be active from a young age.

Make a Wish:
The Patriots are also a part of the "Make a Wish" foundation. The make a wish foundation gives kids that are diagnosed with life threatening health condition the chance to have special experiences. One of the events the Patriots have with the make a wish foundation is that they have a day where kids who are a part of the organization across the United States can come to Gillette and meet some of the players. The Patriots motivation for being a part of this organization is to make kids feel special and to give them they chance to have an experience they will remember forever.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Five Questions

  1.  Business is all of the activities involved in producing and marketing goods and services. 
  2. Two Primary functions functions of business are production and marketing of the goods and services.
  3. The four ways business can be categorized: Large vs. Small, Domestic vs. Global, Profit vs. Nonprofit, and Public vs. Private. 
  4. The significance of eCommerce is the buying and selling of goods through the internet. 
  5. Someone would want to start a small business because it would only be operated by a few people therefore the company would not  have to pay a lot of employees and they would make more of a profit. The success small businesses get is that they usually start from a website on the internet and they are private sector businesses. 

Chapter 5 Quizlet

Chapter 5 Quizlet

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Part 3 History

Bertie the Brain
What: Game of tic-tac-toe  online video game

Date:November 29th,1972
What: Video game Console

Date: 1989
what: Hand held video game

Video Games Today:

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Marketing Report Part 2

In it to Win it is a baseball video game that will teach you the skills of the game. Players will get to play along side big papi and hundreds of others of successful professional baseball players. The game will teach players skills that they will actually be able to use in their real life baseball careers.

Target Market: The target market of In it to Win it are young kids, teens and college kids. The game is rated E for everyone of all ages.

Marketing Mix:

Product: In it to win it is geared towards young kids who want to become successful in playing baseball. The game rewards kids and shows them that it takes a lot of hard work to become successful in a sport. The game features not only the baseball games that the players will be in but how they practice. The game is unique because the skills that the players practice are things that will help people with their baseball skills in real life.

Price: The game will cost $39.99 everywhere.

Place: In it to win it will be available at all big name stores like Target, Walmart and Kmart. It will also be available on Amazon and sold at Red Sox Games.

Promotion: David Ortiz will be our main sponsor and promote our video game. For the first 2 days of the game being on the market people will get $5 off of the game. David Ortiz will be on all of the ads for the game and will also be on all of our commercials.

Monday, October 3, 2016

License of Video Game post 1

3 Sports:

  • Patriots - Tom Brady
  • Bruins - Patrice Bergeron 
  • Red Sox - David Ortiz 
                                                          (RBI Baseball video game)
    (MLB 2k13 Xbox game)              ( The Show 16 PS4 game)             

Game Name
Location Sold
Target Market
RBI Baseball 2016
Best Buy
Toys R us
All Ages- Rated E
Able to play baseball with full team rosters or you also have the option to play with the RBI original 16 player team.
Major League Baseball 2k13 MLB for xbox
Best Buy
All Ages - Rated E
Players from minor league and major league are featured. People are able to work on their pitching skills in this game and they are also able to create a bracket of players.
The Show 16
Best Buy
All Ages- Rated E
The game created a tool that allows more focused controls for big games, Player training system lets the players practice skills, Draft your own 25 man roster.
MLB 2K13:

The Show 16:

RBI Baseball 2016:

Monday, September 26, 2016

Generation Y

Generation Y  are people who were born from 1977-1994. Overall people born in generation Y  were more ethnically diverse. Things that were popular for generation Y kids are different than what other generations grew up with. Generation Y people grew up with all types of technology from TV to computers to phones. Generation Y popular TV shows were The Simpsons and the Rugrats. Two popular movies of generation Y are Aladdin and Forest Gump. Two popular magazines of this generation were Elite and Lifestyle magazines. Two major sporting championships that happened were the 49ers winning the Superbowl in 1989 and the Steelers  winning the Superbowl in 1979. Some popular vacation spots for people who lived in the united states that traveled domestically during this generation were New York City and Beverly Hills California. For people of this generation traveling internationally some popular spots they were hitting were North Africa and India.


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Silly Bandz Fad

The name of the fad I picked was Silly Bandz. The target market for Silly Bandz were children from ages 5 to 15. The reason for the appeal were their cool shapes and bright colors. The appeal was global and gave kids power and bragging rights when it came to these colorful bandz. Their is no real reason why they become unpopular but after about six months people stopped buying them. Nothing replaced Silly Bandz they just became unpopular.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Intro about me

My name is Kathryn Kalogeris and I am a senior at Reading Memorial High school. I live with my mom and dad and two sisters Alexandra (21)  and Sophia (19). My school interests include History and Business. After high school I plan on going to a four year college and getting my degree in Business. When I am not in school I take dance classes three days a week. I have been dancing since I was three years old and it is something that I love to do. I am also a part of lots of clubs at the high school like student council, leo club, samantha's harvest, Hhelp club and girl rising. I also have a part time job at a boutique called Francesca's. When I am not busy I like to relax and hangout with my friends. Some of my favorite tv shows include the Real Housewives, and Gossip Girl. I do not have a favorite book or movie. If I could go out to eat tonight I would want to go to the Cheesecake factory.

Best New TV shows

I recently researched what the five best tv shows are. The website I did my research on was called the Indie Wire. This website gave descriptions of all of the shows that are anticipated to be good for 2016-2017. Out of the list of 25 tv shows the ones that I think will be the best are: Divorced,Shots Fired, Atlanta, Luke Cage and Billions. All of these shows look very dramatic and look like they will be good tv. In all of these shows by their description it seems as though their is one main character that the whole show is based on. All of the main characters in these shows have a strong role and have to make tough choices.

My personal opinion on these tv shows is that I would watch them. Just by their detailed descriptions I would find them very interesting and they would keep the viewer on their toes. On the website I researched on they did a very good job getting these shows out there and promoting them. Every show had a picture that had the main character in it and a long description of the show. The descriptions of the show gave you what you would need to know about the show the air date and the network it is played on. I think that this is good for marketing because it gives you the when, where and what.
